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This is the second year that we have been present at the Seafood Global Expo, the great international fair of the fish and seafood sector held in Barcelona on 25-26-27 April.
This event has been a great opportunity to meet with our customers, meet new and potential customers for business, and also to position ourselves as a solid and united group.
Among our novelties, we have stood out among the media for the presentation of Musklu, our brand dedicated to the marketing of Delta mussels.
Our welcoming stand was a real surprise for the customers and suppliers who visited us.
Seafood is always a very positive experience for our company.
– https://deltacat.cat/2023/04/25/musklos-una-linia-de-musclos-del-delta-dalta-qualitat/
– https://www.lavanguardia.com/vida/20230425/8921154/mercabarna-confia-seafood-aumentar-exportaciones.html
– https://www.elnacional.cat/oneconomia/es/management/barcelona-bruselas-seafood-expo-bate-records-asistencia_1014708_102.html